Six Nominations at the Security Excellence Awards

3 minutes reading time

2018 is another record year for FGH security at the Security Excellence Awards as we have made the finalists list in six different categories. Just like the previous three years, this is more than any other security company in the UK.

We’re hoping to build on our 2016 success (when we won Event Security Team of the Year for the second time) and hopefully win an award in one of the following categories;



Finalists for the work we do in promoting the ACS and its benefits, our contributions to furthering the aims of the scheme and how our purpose of Keeping People Safe translates into a creation of a safer environment for the public at large.


Our submission in this category focuses on our organisational recruitment strategy to ensure that we remain reflective of the society we operate in. This focuses on our ongoing outreach work strategically combined with the promotion of employment opportunities in the geographical areas in with we operate. It also looks at attracting demographic groups which might have applicable skill sets but have little awareness of the opportunities that FGH and the security industry as a whole can offer.


Our entry looks at the difference our hospitality training makes to the consistency of our service delivery and how this contributes not only added value but the development of our clients’ brands and end user experience.


Finalists for the work that we do to make us standout from others in the industry from the perspective of various stakeholders (e.g. staff, clients, customers, other suppliers etc) and demonstration of how this meeting of market wants and tailoring of service has led to rapid growth and expansion based on case studies and client testimonials.


Our finalist position in this category was secured based on a detailed analysis of our areas of speciality and client portfolio, how we proactively integration of people and technology to enhance our service and our star qualities which make us standout and lead the industry


Our entry here looked at how we work with organisations and companies outside the security industry to have a real transformative impact and positive social legacy. This year we focused on our work with the Association of Interdependent Festivals and the unique #DrasticOnPlastic initiative which saw us be the first event security company in the UK to eliminate the our use of single use plastic.


David Hassall, Marketing Manager for FGH Security said,”The Security Excellence Awards are recognition for the fantastic work all of our team do throughout the year. When writing the award submissions the hardest part for me is choosing which initiative or case studies to focus on and then coming below the word limit, which is quite a nice problem to have. The awards are effectively the security industry’s version of the Oscars and every member of the team should personally be proud that we have reached this stage in the contest already and the role they have played.”

The awards will take place on Wednesday 21st November 2018 we will be making LIVE updates from the awards evening on our news pages and Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.


Meet the team...

The support team is passionate about ensuring our people have all the tools they need to get their jobs done to a high level and keep people safe. Our training never stops, and we all take part in ongoing executive education which is themed around Leadership, Lean, Mindfulness and Teamwork.

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